Throughout His word, God asks that we love one another. While this task may seem impossible compared to His infinite love for us, it is not impossible. Yet, often we fail at the request. We judge those who are different from us, we judge the choices of others without fully knowing why they chose what they did, we carry anger toward others for things that can be viewed as being petty in the grand scheme of things. We hold onto anger because we are so many times simply stubborn. I truly believe in forgiveness because it I a gift that has been given to me so many times when I probably didn't deserve it. I also believe in anger and hurt and pain....God gets that too. He knows that we are not perfect and that people do not always do unto others as they would have done to themselves. I believe that, but I do believe that, over time, he asks us to forgive. That forgiveness can be granted in so many ways....whether taking that person back into your life and offering verbal forgiveness or to forgive that person in your heart and make self peace.
Again, He does not ask us for perfection because we cannot hold ourselves in comparison to his infinite love. He asks that we be the best that we can goal for this week is to work on removing judgement and begin to ask for forgiveness in an effort to work on self peace.
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