Friday, April 1, 2011

What Burdens Me?

I feel burdened by my choices and the people who have been hurt as a result of my choices.  I carry a burden over the loss of my mother.  I am burdened by the fact that I turned my back on Him, during a time in my life when I could have used Him the most.  I am burdened by the problems of my students....they carry a heavy load and sometimes we forget where they are coming from. 

I think that I often neglect to include Christ when I am burdened.  Rather, I am ashamed of my mistakes and feel too humiliated to turn to Him or go to church.  The problem is this is the very time when I should be calling on God.  I forget about His unconditional love.  I forget about the forgiveness that He offers to everyone.  I forget that confronting and facing our problems is what makes things better--it is the avoidance that creates problems. 

My burdens create who I am, and they are issues that can be worked on, but may never be fully erased.  There is no point in dwelling on the past, I must live for today and continue to work on me. 

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