Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Have you ever thought of sorrow as a gift?

Good Morning, All!  In an effort to build a better me, I am following Summer and Meg, and I am reflecting. 

The question for today is particularly interesting to me, as I remember the loss of my mother nearly 11 years ago.  A loss that I continue to carry.  The love of a parent does not go away, there is no quick fix, and though time has repaired me in so many ways, I ache for her.  So can I see sorrow as a gift? 

I have always been a believer in that there is a time, reason and purpose for all things.  For example, I see the divorce of my parents as a good thing, as it ultimately brought me closer to both my mom and my dad.  The relationship forged by their divorce became a defining, but positive in my life.  Ironically, the sadness of their separation was indeed a gift.

I think that I should see the sorrow from the loss of my precious mother as a gift, which makes me a better person.  The person that she would be proud of and want me to be.  Unfortunately, I do not think I make her proud.  I see others that I strive to be, that I know would make her proud.  My friend Krista, who loves me unconditionally and knows the value of "tough love" would make her proud.  My friend Amber, who protects and defends me, would make her proud.  My friend Meg, who encourages me to be more spiritual, would make her proud.  And, my friend Summer, with her infinite love and patience, would make her proud.  The culmination of these people MAKE my mother; each carrying an aspect of her.  Having these people in my life makes her proud. 

I want to be a better person.  I want to take the sorrow from my past and grow into a better person as a result.  My friends are the true gift.  Life is the true gift. 

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